Assignment Description: Use the Processing language to create a design which uses some of the primitive shapes you have learned about. Even with just a week of using Processing, you can embrace your creative spirit and design impressive artwork. Go for it!
- Set the size to at least 600 pixels by 500 pixels. Your dimensions can vary depending upon your design, but make sure that it is not too small or too large.
- Incorporate as many shapes as you can properly fit into your design. Examples are: ellipse( ), line(),
point( ), quad( ), rect( ), beginShape/endShape, arc( ), and triangle( ). - Make liberal use of formatting commands such as: background( ), noStroke( ), noFfill( ).
- Make sure that every Processing assignment starts with a comment displaying the following lines of info:
Assignment#, Your name, and Date - Make liberal use of comments in general within your program.
- Do a write-up describing your sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it. You may also include a brief discussion about your experience working on this assignment. One or two paragraphs will suffice. Please save as Word or PDF.
- Here are some, ideas. However, be sure to include more than one item in your design. For instance, if you draw a cougar, you should at least include a backdrop of a few blades of grass or something.
- A self-portrait
- An avatar or a cartoon depiction of someone
- An alien, robot, monster, animal, caricatures, etc.
- Your favorite cartoon TV Show character or design your own
- A city skyline
- A post card design
- A room with furniture (example)
- Stylize your name's initials...or a logo
- The CofC Cougar
- A Poster displaying conceptual art.
- Imitation of existing design or art (examples of artists: Ndebele, Sol LeWitt, Kasimir Malevich, Piet Mondrian, Giorgio Morandi)
- Etcetera. Be creative. You are not limited to these ideas.
- Use the save( ) function to generate a JPG or PNG image of your finished sketch.
- If you have prior programming experience, feel free to use variables, loops, etc. where desired. However, let's hold off on animation, and embrace the constraint of a static drawing for this first assignment.
What to Submit:
You will upload a zipped file containing the following to the OAKS dropbox entitled “Assignment 1.”
- Your write-up. Please copy your document to the Processing sketch folder before zipping it.
- The sketch folder. Notice that the sketch folder will include the .PDE file and the image generated with the save() function. It should also include your write-up because you copied it there, didn't you?
(Again… be sure that you have zipped the folder before uploading.)