Graphic Design Principles

Resources Related to Graphic Design

Graphic Design Principles


Additional Info on CRAP Principles

These are additional videos and articles about principles of design.  I would imagine you don't have time to read/see each, but I encourage you to at least peruse a couple of them.

Article 1
"Build Better User Experience With C.R.A.P. Design Principles" --  A blog article from a web design company. Excellent real-world examples of each principle. I especially like the ones on repetition.
Video 1
"C.R.A.P. Design Principles to Improve Visual Appeal"-- While the examples are not so visually compelling, the information provided in this is is spot on and helpful.
Video 2
Another video that quickly explains the principles and provides vivid and relevant examples.
Video 3
6 minutes of audio visuals that get to the point and keeps your attention.



Image Design Hands-on


Other Photopea Tutorials


Free Stock Images

These are mostly with transparent background. They'll come in handy with some of our Processing activities.

  • no sign-in needed; includes photo-quality images; user friendly; categories to browse; not good with filters.
  • Must register, and limited to 2 free per day; huge library, but not as many photo quality images.
  • Must register, limited 2 free per day; only about 25% photo-realistic images
  • Other copyright free Image Resources